Im a firm believer that good times dont last forever but neither do the bad times.
I dont really like change, I never have, I often have to be bullied into doing things I dont want to do and the majority of the time im thankful for the pressure because it turns out that its mainly good things that happen. A good example,When I was 13 my dad told me we were moving to the middle east, I can still remember how I felt when he said it, my heart started racing and my mind went into overdrive. I'd thought of about 5 alternatives within 10mins so that I felt like I had other options. I told my dad I wanted to live with my friend, then I told him I wanted to live with my grandma, I also gave him the option of sending me to boarding school - he wasnt having any of it so we packed up and left the Uk for 3years of luxury, sunshine, swimming pools, sheesha, shawarmas, housemaids, beach clubs and new friends! Why on earth did I not want that? I still talk about the time I spent there with real enthusiasm and I have really fond memories! Im sure everyone has stories like that!
Other times ive been bullied into things include, being made to go to the cinema and watch scary films, being made to sing infront if people and being made to buy a house at the age of 23 but thats a whole different story!
Then there are other things that happen unexpectedly that are out of my control and that I just dont like!
For example, this weeks been a comedy of errors, well I say comedy, none of it is overly amusing but I know its just a bad week, we all have them and aint no smashed windows, rainy days or forgotten keys gonna put a permanent frown on this mug of mine! I'm clumsy at the best of times, someone once told me I should be wrapped in bubble wrap! (how fun would that be?) So heres a list if my series if unfortunate events.
Monday: whilst going to get my bike out of the shed it became tangled with another bike and once I had got it out of the way the other bike fell straight through the window and glass went everywhere, including in my shoe, wahh
Tuesday: As I was leaving for work it started to rain so I popped on my mac and set off on my way. The rain seemed to be getting heavier, so, I decided I would park my bike up at the library and get the bus the rest of the way. At 5pm I left work and it was BOILING I had my mac on and i was too hot so I stood in line for the bus and thought itll be fine because when I get on the bus I can take it off and chill out until I got to town, half an hour later, STILL NO BUS, Rumours started that they had diverted them so I got in a strop, stamped my feet and decided to walk to town, by this time im too hot my hair is frizzy im hungry and I just want to be at home, I HATE PUBLIC TRANSPORT
Wednesday: Lovely morning so went to work with no coat, at 4pm the heavens opened and my heart sank. I was working until 6 and was optimistic that it would stop so i could get home and be dry, of course I was wrong and got absolutely drenched, trousers looked like they were painted on hair looked horrendous, face was not impressed.
Today: Got half way to work, realised I forgot my ID badge, keying in device and my desk drawer keys! Ohhh joy
Not to be overly dramatic but whats next? DEATH? Despite this im optimistic that tomorrow will go well, no problems and my eventful week will be a thing of the past and I will shake my head and laugh about it all! My friend told me its Karma, but I dont think ive done anything bad! In the words of Ross "WHY DO BAD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE?"
It could always be worse but I hope it isnt!
So my current state of mind tells me to "roll with the punches" "go with the flow" "turn that frown upside down" and realise that life is full of cliches and sayings that are cheesey but truthful.
I hope you've had a lovely week so far :) the sun is out so shake it all about!
Heres some fugly for you!