Friday, 3 August 2012

Train etiquette

I have alot of experience with train travel and it never ceases to amaze me how annoying the human race can be.

Im currently on a train its got about 5 carriages and its not full, infact, its quite quiet, well it was until julie and sue and their party of 7 decide to sit ON me. Im not travelling with anyone and im not going far but now im going to have to climb over them and their luggage to get off at my stop. RUDE.

Last week I caught a train to crossgates and instead of listening to my ipod i decided to do some earwigging, a group of lads got on, without tickets, i know this because they kept fretting about where the ticket man was and whether they could get all the way to halifax without paying! (we've all been there! Not halifax, i mean, travelled without a ticket!) I guestimated that they were probably about 19/20/21 they'd been to the races on saturday and decided to go out after, apparently they didnt get in til 4am and no one knew where "rob" was but he'd updated his status 5 hours ago so he must've got laid.
I learned a few things from them whilst earwigging, "james" got chatted up by a "fat blonde girl in a black dress" and he said "if i cant bench her i wouldnt fuck her" (i discussed this with carlos last night and we came to the conclusion that he means bench press) i think my eyes almost popped out when i heard him say that!

It got me thinking about how men and women behave in their own 'packs'.
If they were a group of girls they would probably have a few magazines and would spend their journey gossiping about the celebs in them or who they wanted to play christian grey, i can also tell you that they would have already bought their tickets last month!

When we got to garforth the ticket man came and one lad said "we're all 16 and going to halifax" i laughed out loud and then remembered im observing not joining in! Smooth boys, very smooth! Worst thing was mr train man believed them and gave these "adults" cheaper tickets, i think he was scared of them! 

Trains are great places to be nosey and catch snippets of other peoples lives without having to get involved! Feel free to share any of your favourite train journey stories in the comments, they really do amuse me!

Must dash, I have an obsticle course to do before I get to harrogate!

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