Saturday, 15 September 2012

Fancy a brew?

I don't think im the only person in the world who has a favourite cup for their heated beverages, my current fave is a large mug covered in different coloured telephone boxes.

Im a bit of a tea snob, I dont do PG Tips (bleurghh) I can cope with Tetley but the queen of all tea is YORKSHIRE TEA! I went through a phase of buying Betty's tearoom blend (rahhh), then I remembered my wage is pretty shocking so I would probably be better off going to the supermarket like normal people! So my trusty yorkshire tea is usually served in my big telephone box covered mug, quite milky, hold the sugar, im sweet enough!

I have gone one step further with regards to the favourite tea cup/mug thing and I have a mug at my sisters and a little arthur price cup at my parents house for when I visit, is this sad or sensible? Im not overly impressed that my sister uses my mug when im not there but I guess she'll do what she wants, its her house.

I also drink alot of south african Rooibos, I drink it black with the teabag in. Its recommended to take it out but I like it strong. Its full of anti-oxidents and super for flushing you out (appologies thats a bit disgusting! Its true though) Its good for getting rid of headaches and soothing sore throats and just helping you relax, so there are lots of benefits to drinking Rooibos. I like "Tick Tock" its better than tetley Redbush!

Whats your fave?

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