Thursday, 23 May 2013

Meditation and Day to Day issues

Hallooo lovely people! Sorry been a bit slack on the old bloggage, (Aware that's not a word)

Over the last 12 months or so its come to light that I have been suffering from a lot of anxiety, I didn't really understand what was going on but a lot of things just didn't seem right! Im don't enjoy dwelling, I like to pin point problems and then work out how to solve them or move from one mental space to another by setting small goals. I don't necessarily agree with doctors prescribing medication for this sort of thing unless its a really serious case where the person suffering cant see any way out of their current mental state, therefore, I decided to go it alone and try and work it out myself! Its tough but the sense of calm I feel from some simple exercises I have picked up from my research along the way is invaluable to me so I decided to share some with you, because I know im not the only person that ever feels anxious about anything!

Have you ever had a friend who you have been close to and then circumstances change and so does your friendship and it either means you don't see them any more or you allow the changes to happen and you make the time to try and keep some sort of friendship going? Im normally quite "cut throat" with my friends, you get one or two chances and if you mess up and upset me you are GONE! - but I do have a few friends that I feel are worth it so I try my hardest with those people, sometimes it frustrates me because I don't like the one sided feeling but most of the time im still glad I try! When I feel frustrated I tend to overthink and so I end up thinking negatively about people and situations, it got so bad that it started to affect me at work and i'd walk into the office and burst into tears because of a completely none work related situation. I needed to do something about it!
I have a new technique which I have learned to help me shift my focus back to a positive place after my mind had drifted or gone into overdrive.

Try this, if something negative enters your thoughts, imagine a huge STOP sign, if you are alone you could shout STOP or just say it in your head. See the thought and let the sign take over that negative thought. When you think about negative things, notice how you breathe, is it fast and shallow? A great technique to shift your focus is to concentrate on your breathing. When you breathe in through your nose, concentrate on the cool air and the feeling of the air entering your nostrils, when you breathe out, concentrate on the warm air that exits your nostrils, breathe cool air in, breathe warm air out. You should soon be breathing slowly and deeply which will enter you into a state of relaxation and calm, and hopefully will clear a larger emptier space for your positive thoughts to enter into your mind.

I do this anywhere, walking down the street, laying in bed, walking home from work, sitting at my desk, its so simple and so effective. I guess its a type of meditation.

I have been meditating for about 7 or 8 months, in the morning for energy and in the evening to relax. I am also going to be taking a class in June which I am hoping will teach me more about how meditation can benefit us, I think the biggest thing i've learned so far is to accept the feelings, thoughts and emotions but to let them go at the same time and to not let them consume my mind.

I hope that this technique helps you the way it has/is helping me.

Thanks for reading xx

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