I decided to write a blog that features some of my super friends. I decided to give a few of them some questions to answer as a bit of a "get to know you" and I am hoping for some good well thought out answers! I feel inspired by these people on a weekly basis to be the best version of me that I can be. I'm sure you all have that group of friends who support you and offer you great advice, but who also tell you when you are wrong or being irrational! (sometimes I don't like them when they do that!!) But its great to be surrounded by positive energy and interesting people who are always around no matter what! So here's a little introduction to my "No Matter What Club"
Please let it be noted, The "No Matter What Club" was a phrase coined by Kelly Cutrone in her book "Normal gets you nowhere"
This is my sister Rachel. Rachel inspires me because she is very head strong, a fan of tough love and doesn't sugar coat anything! As you can see from her short answers, she doesn't add fluff to anything!
What is your favourite receptacle to drink tea or coffee from?
A big mug that will normally fit at least more than a normal amount of tea in - always handy on a hangover day!
Which season makes you feel most alive?
Summer because the sun is out. It's like I've come out of hibernation.
The evening when you feel a bit weary after work but then you see your mates and it's like having an extra few hours to cheer up and relax.
Where is your favourite green space?
Down by the river in York where I live.
Do you like people watching? Where is your favourite spot?Either on the river (Millennium Bridge) in York or sat outside Cafe rouge at the back of Harrods in London.
This is Kelly, I've known Kelly for 9 years, although I haven't seen her for a year we chat on a daily basis. Kelly works for Emirates as Cabin Crew and I'm pretty sure we are soulmates!
Kelly inspires me to achieve my goals and to do things that make me happy on a daily basis, we talk about a lot of interesting topics and a lot of not so interesting topics, we like to send each other photographs of our dinner and drink tea! :)
What is your favourite receptacle to drink tea or coffee from?My Blue metallic NASA mug. It has a chip in and a hair line crack so It's days are numbered 5, 4, 3, 2 1... lol
Which season makes you feel most alive?All seasons give me a strange energy when they first come. I recognise the change instantly, the smells, sounds and my recognition is usually accompanied with nostalgia and memories of a previous year or my childhood. But autumn is my favourite. Bonfire night, harvest festivals, Halloween. I love it so much. I Miss it.
What time of day do you enjoy the most?I guess I enjoy waking the most. (Naturally is better) it's the time I feel most appreciative for the things I have in life. It's the time of the day when I'm at my most relaxed before my mind begins to focus on the doings of the day. The relaxed feeling can sometimes last a little longer and if I do something productive in this time I'm always a lot more creative and inspired.
Where is your favourite green space?
All green space. Any green space. Every green space. I live in the desert.
But seriously I don't think I have been to it yet. I love out doors and national parks and would love to visit more but none spring to mind. Ask me in a few years.
Do you like people watching? Where is your favourite spot?
I love to people watch. I sometimes think I don't do it enough, but a busy Street whilst having a coffee. I prefer it in England too. Maybe it's the familiarity that makes the people easier to read and therefore more interesting to watch. Who knows. The Charles grey pub at the top of the building near monument in Newcastle springs to mind. People have no idea you are sitting looking down on them. You see bald patches and all! Heh.

Say hello to Jenny P! I've known Jen for a couple of years, we met at work and have developed a fantastic friendship over our love of Travel and Prosecco, we hope to do a world wine tour one day!
Jenny inspires me to be less rigid and have more fun. She's very much a "live in the moment" and "go with it" sort of person and I think her attitude to life is very positive and infectious!
What is your favourite receptacle to drink tea or coffee from?
I don't drink tea or coffee but if I did it would be a tea in a tea cup and saucer!
Which season makes you feel most alive?The season that makes me feel most alive is Winter because its the festive season and everyone gets together and unites to enjoy lots of family time and great nights out with friends.
What time of day do you enjoy the most?
My favourite time of day is 8pm cos either I am out or enjoying a nice night in.
Where is your favourite green space? My favourite green place is Bootham crescent
Do you like people watching? Where is your favourite spot?Favourite people watching is in the park as you have friends together at all ages and family days out.
This is Jodie, we've been friends for about 5 years maybe a bit more. I've learned a lot from Jodie and she's helped me realise that sometimes letting things go and being more relaxed about life is a lot easier and makes me a lot happier than panicking about things beyond my control. She has quite a calming effect on me. The way Jodie handles difficult situations inspires me to look at things from a different angle.
What is your favourite receptacle to drink tea or coffee from?You can't beat tea from a flask.
Which season makes you feel most alive?Spring - after a cold, dark winter the arrival of spring lifts my spirits - lots of new life and my favourite flowers daffodils and tulips.
What time of day do you enjoy the most? Mornings - they are quiet and peaceful, people are still in bed and you can't hear the buzz of traffic.
Where is your favourite green space?The Yorkshire Dales, probably Wensleydale with it's rolling green hills and tranquil streams and waterfalls.
Do you like people watching? Where is your favourite spot?Yes love it. A nice little pavement cafe drinking coffee, an Italian piazza would be perfect!
This is Louise, Louise and I became instant BFFs in 2009 when I started working with her. Some people thought our personalities would clash but we got on like a house on fire! Whenever I need advice Louise is always there waiting for me and always knows the rights things to say, she taught me about "SAGs" Small Achievable Goals and "This too shall pass" full of lovely words of wisdom, she's also blummin hilarious!
What is your favourite receptacle to drink tea or coffee from?
-ah very important question!! And a hard one i love teacups and mugs. I love to drink tea from one (of many) of my nana's tea sets. I have a beautiful one with brambles on! It does of course depend on the drink though as hot chocolate needs to be drunk out of a big chunky mug you can get your hands around and sink into your sofa. ( my fav for this would be my tim horton's mug from Canada)
I also have a couple of enamel mugs which I love -totally impractical as the metal heats up and you get burnt but I feel very 'country living' and a bit smug when I drink out if it - like I am AMAZING at gardening when really I can't be arsed and am really sun bathing! - for this mug I feel a fruit blend works well!
Which season makes you feel most alive and why?
In essence I am a summer girl, I love the sun as a dull day makes me feel bleugh! However I also adore the spring as all the bulbs are popping up and waking up after winter - and it also means summer is almost here!
I also love the really sunny days in winter when the grass is crispy and your cheeks are rosy! And I love the colours of autumn.
So I can feel alive in all seasons (which is good) but you can't beat a tan and sun bleached high lights! Ha ha
What time of day do you enjoy the most and why?I like it when you finish work early and you have all evening ahead of you! All those possibilities!!!
Where is your favourite green space?I love being by the water- I don't care if it is a river, sea, lake, duck pond or water feature! I find it calming.
Do you like people watching? Where is your favourite spot?1. The hull to zebrugger ferry! The best people watching ever!
2. Outside Clifton bingo
3. The museum gardens on a sunny day.
4. The obvious coffee shop window - classic.
5. The queue for the porta loo at any festival.
6. Taxi offices between 11pm and 3am.
7. Airports!!! I love this one especially, brilliant stories! 'Love actually' was right!!!
More to come ...
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