Monday, 13 January 2014


Oh its Monday, worst day of the week, poor little fella gets so much stick! I don't get the Monday blues anymore because I'm self employed (but mainly just unemployed!) I have a tutee who gives me my food money every week for doing something that I LOVE!

Even though i'm not teaching today and I have no strict plans or places to be, its midday and i've been in the library for 2 hours writing a lesson plan and researching careers sites for information on interviews for a workshop i'm doing on Sunday. I'm not really earning any money right now so why oh why am I so happy?

I spent last week in a "deep rest", not depressed, DEEP REST. Some people think its the same thing, I disagree. I felt very heavy and wanted to sleep most of the time and when I did go out of the house I felt tired and not myself. Its so easy to just hibernate when you have no plans, no job and nothing to do in general so I can see how people get into a very dark state and begin to feel like they are just existing. A very wise friend of mine once introduced me to SAGs - Small Achievable Goals. These are very useful things to concentrate on. So to pull me out of my Deep Rest I set myself some SAGs for today.

1. Write a lesson plan for my lesson tomorrow
2. Research and begin the write up for my workshop on Sunday
3. Blog
4. Make a pea puree some humus and some flatbread
5. Smile at strangers!

So I may not be at "work" or "employed" and earning money today but I'm so busy doing things that I love and enjoy and making sure I do not spend the next 2 weeks in a deep rest.

Don't get me wrong we all need to do a job and make money to survive but when you get the opportunity to take some time out and really concentrate on you, take up a new hobby, read the paper, research a new career path, set SAGs  for your future, it is a blessing.

ENJOY YOUR DAY! set some SAGs :) xx

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