Sunday, 6 April 2014

Milan in March

Woahhhh March delivered some challenges! I have had some ups and some downs so here's a little round up of my life this last month.

If I'm honest I didn't think I'd make it past February and thought my sorry a$$ would be on a cheap flight home with my tail between my legs by 25th! I'm still here though! remarkable! I have run out of money but I get paid next week so don't worry about me!

I've had a few moments where I've wondered "WHAT AM I BLOODY DOING IN THIS CITY", but for the most part I know I'd rather be here doing this than be in the UK doing a job I don't like.

I've made some more friends and spent a couple of weekends hanging out in the sun at the park with everyone else in Milan!! The park is like an American high school movie, you have your gym jocks, your music geeks, the expressive arty types who just stand on their heads all afternoon or move about dancing with a lot of emotion but everyone gets to enjoy the space whatever their interests and hobbies. I played my first gig a few weeks ago, one of my friends bought his guitar to the park, it was nice to have a little jam and a sing along!

I feel more relaxed here now but I don't want to feel comfortable, I don't want to lose the excitement of being somewhere new and exploring something different so when I get hold of some money I'll be exploring the countryside around the city!

March has been tough because I'm already losing touch with friends back at home and it's making me a little glum, BUT, I am returning home for a week in May so maybe i'll be able to catch up with some people then. You can't carry all of your friendships through life but some that I really thought were deep rooted seem to have just fizzled out. In any normal situation people just make new friends, have new experiences and just move on but being in this situation gives you a lot to reflect upon, if you lose one good friend its hard but losing a few is like going through a break up!!! Maybe a few doors need to close and a few more might open, patience is something which I'm learning a lot about! I should count my blessings and not my problems!

My first month at work has really confirmed that I love to teach! If I don't stay here for more than 6 months I'm already thinking about going back to University and doing a PGCE in the UK, best get saving haha!  If I don't do that I want to become a florist! I'm 30 next year but SO WHAT! it's never too late to learn something new! I have a real thirst for knowledge and all I want to do is learn learn learn! I learn something different from my students everyday, for example, in each town/city there is a different type of cake or sweet that is made at Easter! I have advised them all that I would like to try ALL OF THEM! 

Italians have a way of being able to describe things in such a beautiful poetic way. The language that they use is like velvety chocolate melting in you mouth and I really love how passionate they are about life, I feel lucky to be able to meet so many people doing my job and hopefully i'll be able to stick at it for a little while. :)

New words I've learned

Spagliato -Incorrect
Andiamo - Lets go
Aspeto - Wait
Salute - Cheers
Salve - Hi
Spazzatura - Rubbish
Storico - Historic
Pasqua - Easter
Perche - Why?
Che cosa questo? - What's this?
Non Capito - I don't understand
Ti senti meglio? Do you feel any better?

Heres some pics :)



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