Thursday, 6 February 2014

Mi Piace


OMG we are on day 11 - feels like LOADS longer! I've been having a bit of an up and down week so far. I had an interview yesterday which was rubbish and made me feel rubbish all day but then after speaking to my lovely friend I felt loads better. Sometimes you just need a friend to remind you that you are ok and that its not a bad life It was just a bad day and to tell you to meditate because they know that it will help you focus!

I woke up this morning FULL of energy, before bed last night I meditated and woke up really focussed. I had a tutoring session for an hour this afternoon in which we just played UNO (surprisingly very educational! Colours, numbers etc) I pretended that I didn't know how to play so the boys had to try and explain in English, they spoke lots of Italian but I understood what they were trying to say and responded to them in English. It was a fun way of making some money anyway!

This morning I sent speculative CVs to lots of schools around the country, the list is huge so theres plenty more to go at! I got a call straight away from a school in Turin  which is about a hour away by train, I have an interview next Thursday with them, my CV seems to be doing its job! I haven't been to Turin before but I am happy to go and check it out, going to make a day of it and get as much out of it as possible.

Each day I feel something different, yesterday I wanted to leave and didn't want to be in Milan, I wanted to go to another city in Italy and try and live there instead. Today I feel less irrational but still interested in travelling to another place to see whats on offer. I don't want to waste this opportunity and leave having only been to Milan, so we shall see, I have another 2 weeks here so by the end of next week I need to have really decided where i'm going to spend March! - Florence is looking like a good option.

Well that's all really, in conclusion I feel like i'm achieving my goals. I've been here 11 days and I have 3 different families to tutor and some interviews coming up!

Mustn't grumble!


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